Macanudo Sudoku Geocache

In order to locate the "Macanudo Sudoku Cache" you will have to first solve the following Sudoku :

( Learn how to solve Sudoku puzzles )

macanudo Sudoku
"Click" on the Sudoku to download a printable copy
The red letters and numbers to the left and on top of the Sudoku are not part of solving the Sudoku,
they are used in the NEXT part of the puzzle...

and then find the answers to the 12 questions below.

Each answer will indicate a particular square in the Sudoku, take the number found in
the square and place it in the proper location in the coordinate box which indicates where to find the Macanudo cache.

For example, if the answer to question #6 were "I9" (all answers will be in this form),
find the number that is in box I9, which in this case is a 4, you would then take the 4
and put it in the question 6 location in the coordinate box.

Macanudo Sudoku Cache Coordinate Box

N   ___
. ___

W   ___
. ___

Place the answers to questions above the corresponding number

#1 In the 1960's television program "The Prisoner" (the "Hammer Into Anvil" episode) Number 6 tricked Number 2 into thinking his secret identity was ??

#2 Niacin?

#3 The band that was about to perform when a disturbance broke out at the Brookdale Mall on Saturday November 12th 2005.

#4 Grand Prix racing.

#5 The highest note written or acknowledged as musical in classical music ??

#6 A Segway Personal Transport model ??

#7 The Coca Cola low carb diet diet beverage introduced in 2004 ??

#8 One of only 2 35mm SLR film cameras still marketed and sold in the United States by Nikon ??

#9 What is the brightest Globular Cluster in M31 (The Andromeda Galaxy)?

#10 What is the name of's Search Engine?

#11 How would 125 mph tornadic winds be referred to using the Fujita¹ Scale?

#12 This is the westernmost interstate highway in the continental United States?

¹ Sorry about the earlier Fujitsu business(thanks foundinthewild), being Skywarn spotters we actually did
know it was Fujita, must of gotten Fujita and Jujitsu mixed up in all the fingers while typing :)

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